Inter-lux Supports Creative Solutions as Napkin Sketch Sponsor

As a Maryland-based manufacturer and supplier of innovative lighting solutions, Inter-lux actively seeks opportunities to promote the creative efforts of our colleagues in the local design community. When the Potomac Valley AIA asked us to sponsor an event at their 2018 Design + Leadership Gala, we chose to support the Napkin Sketch contest.

This exercise challenged gala attendees to address the subject of immigration through architecture, a theme developed by University of Maryland architecture students. Over 30 napkin sketch entries were submitted, some bearing the Inter-lux logo, and the sketches were posted to a board for judging.









Taylor Maher, a sustainable energy advocate and board member of the Potomac Valley Architecture Foundation was declared the winner for his sketch of a ladder propped up against a high wall. The second place award went to Helen Wilkes, AIA and the third place winner was Wendy Amaya, a UMD student. Congratulations to the winners! We enjoyed seeing the wide variety of creative suggestions to solve a complicated issue.